Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hospitals battled to protect patients as Sandy raged

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Paramedics evacuate patients from New York University Tisch Hospital due to a power outage as Hurricane Sandy makes its approach in New York October 29, 2012. 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I do not know who?Takuya Tsuchida is beyond the fact that he?s an 18 year-old Japanese outfielder, but the Indians have signed him, reports Paul Hoynes. Hoynes says he?s ?a left-handed hitter with speed and athleticism, who can play several positions,? including center field and second base. The Indians don?t have a need for a?


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Monday, October 29, 2012

11 Tips for ?Tapping Into? Healing for Kids and Teens | Make The Lists

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EFT Tapping is a positive and unique form of therapy that can be used on your child or teen who suffers from anxiety or emotional problems. These types of concerns are fairly common at this juncture in life and could affect one out of every eight kids. If gone unchecked, these issues can cause difficulty in their family life, with their friends, and at school. The tapping method is quick and easy to master and can help them to overcome physical and emotional issues. The following is some helpful information on how to heal your kids and teens through the tapping method.

What is EFT Tapping?

Watching your child or teen suffer and go through emotional distress can be overwhelming and painful to you, the parent. Emotional and behavioral issues are typically caused by an anxiety, danger or some kind of threat they may be experiencing in life, and it can make children unable to function logically. Tapping works along the same lines as acupuncture but without the use of painful needles. The theory behind?emotional freedom techniques?is based on getting rid of the negative emotions that are in the body and replaces them with positive energy in a matter of minutes.

How Does Tapping Work?

The child or teen can begin by assessing the issue and summarizing the problem at hand. It then gets ranked a level of intensity and how serious the issue seems to them. Before the tapping process begins, positive affirmations are discussed. As the affirmation is being said out loud, the light finger tapping can begin. The various meridian points consist of the inner eyebrow, on the side of the eye, underneath the eye, nose, chin, collarbone and head. As the areas are tapped, positive energy is released and takes over the negative thoughts and feelings.

Eleven Ways EFT Tapping Can Help Your Child or Teen

There is no limit to the variety of problems that EFT tapping can help combat. This form of therapy can be used on children, teens and adults that suffer from:

  • Anxiety over starting a new school
  • A child or teen that is being bullied
  • Being afraid to talk in public
  • Overcoming physical and mental challenges

EFT for Teens and Children

When a problem begins to interfere with the daily life of your child or teen, it is your responsibility as her parent to help her find a resolution to cope with and work through these problems. The EFT tapping technique is simple to learn, and your child can teach herself to do it on her own when she is experiencing a difficult situation or anxious thoughts and feelings in everyday life. Parents can also master this skill and tap along with the child. The EFT method has been known to be a long lasting technique that conquers the issue permanently. It also works better than alternative forms of therapy like hypnosis or medication.


This technique is a positive tool to help children and teens learn to overcome common fears, anxieties, worries and serious traumas. The EFT tapping method can also help them build self-esteem by providing them with a safe outlet to get rid of the negative energy. If you have tried other methods of therapy, or even medications that have not been successful long term, the EFT tapping method may be your best solution for everyone involved.

Karla M. Somers is a firm believer in holistic forms of therapy and alternative healthcare options. She is a contributing writer for The Tapping Solution, a website dedicated to introducing people who are struggling with challenges in their lives to the natural, holistic approach of?emotional freedom techniques.

Posted by Guest Blogger on October 27, 2012. Filed under Health. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry



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Friday, October 26, 2012

Car Insurance Basics ? Breaking out the Windows - Like a crazy man

State Farm Insurance Arlington TX Each year, more cars and drivers travel the highways. With countless cars on the road, accidents will happen. The difference between a small aggravation and major obstacle can be automobile insurance. How can you decide what insurance you need and how to buy it? Required coverage varies by state/province but usually includes the following: Liability pays for damages due to bodily injury and property damage to others for which you are responsible. Bodily injury damages include medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. Property damage includes damaged property and loss of use of property. If you are sued, it also pays your defense and court costs. Higher recommended insurances are available that cover more than the lower, state-mandated insurance. Personal injury protection: This is required in some states and is optional in others. Sometimes referred to as no-fault coverage, this pays the medical treatment for you or your passengers regardless of who was at fault. It may also cover lost earnings, replacement of services and funeral expenses. State law usually sets minimum amounts. Medical payments: This coverage is available states that are not considered no-fault; it pays despite who may have been at fault. It pays for an insured person?s reasonable and necessary medical or funeral expenses for bodily injury from an accident. Collision: This pays for damage to your car caused by an accident. Comprehensive: This applies if your car is stolen or damaged by causes other than collision, including fire, wind, hail, flood or vandalism. Uninsured motorist: This pays for damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have liability insurance or by a person who cannot be identified (usually a hit-and-run driver). Under-insured motorist: This pays for damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have enough liability insurance to cover the full amount of the damages. Other coverage, such as emergency road service and car rental, is also available.Your auto insurance payments vary by company and will depend on several factors, including: *Your selected coverage *Your vehicle?s make and model * Your driving record * Your age, sex and marital status and * Where you live Some have come to think of auto insurance as a necessary evil, but it can truly rescue your economic health Evaluate your needs, research your options and with the support of your insurance agent choose the option that best suits you. Insurance Policies


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

South Africa charges oil majors with price-fixing


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Have Keywords Stopped Being A Proxy To The Customer? | SEO ...

It?s said that keywords are a proxy for a customer, right? So let?s talk about the customer. Schema this, canonical that, and black and white zoo animals? if you don?t have a search expert on payroll, you?re already behind the Joneses.

I get emails like the one below all the time, this one being from the talented owner of?Castleview 3D Architectural Renderings:

?I need your help. ?I realy don?t get the whole keywords/SEO/web marketing thing ? but I know enough to know that I shouldn?t and don?t want to tackle it myself. I?m a small business (small = just me) and maybe I can?t afford you. ?But I?d like to find out. I get solicited by 2 or 3 SEO firms a week, but something about them and their approach really puts me off.?

Therein lies the problem. There?s an old joke that ?99% of lawyers give the other 1% a bad name.? I think that?s just as true with SEOs. There?s 1% of SEOs out there that actually know what they are doing and do it well. Of those, about one third are black hat and about two-thirds are white hat (that?s not scientific, just an educated guess).

Now consider the average starting fee for SEO services. According to?SEOMoz?s 2011 survey, the average retainer fee for an SEO agency is $2500-$5000 a month.

So what is a small business like the one above to do? The popular answer would be to hire a single SEO ? maybe one of the many consultants out there?charging between $100-$150 per hour.

But for many small businesses,?even that is too much. How do they compete with the huge companies who are able to spend 5K and up a month on services? And here?s the kicker?

Google Is Making It Worse

Google has implemented so many elements to their algorithm that rely on webmasters knowing detailed SEO (not just basics) that they are making it harder and harder for SMBs to compete.

Here is just a small list:

  • Favoritism in logged-in listings given to sites that have Google+ profiles
  • Pay to play Google Shopping
  • Enhanced listings with tags
  • Duplicate content reduction and consolidation with canonical tags
  • Authorship tagging
  • Link disavow tool?(which even Google says not to use unless you know advanced SEO)
  • Data sharing and control with Google Webmaster Tools*

*No algorithmic impact, but the ability to influence things like sitelinks that the majority of SMBs don?t even know exists.

When & Where Does It Stop?

I?ve asked at plenty of conferences if this is the new normal. Are the days of being able to just put up a website with great content and getting it ranked over?

The answer I always hear is that Google just needs help from us while it catches up to the technology available. I say that?s a cop-out. I don?t see Google doing anything to catch up to the technology. I see them continuing to target people who don?t know any better ? SMBs who have unwittingly hired one of those ?2 or 3 SEO firms that solicit [them] each week.?

Sure, Panda and Penguin are targeting spam, and that?s good for all of us ?white hats,? but in most cases, the people who fall victim to that spam are the SMBs. Generally, the big brands have plenty of layers between the SEO and the decision maker to rely on plausible deniability. I?d like to see Google focus more on improving their ability to understand all types of content rather than continuing on this witch hunt.

And in the meantime? The number-one result in my area for ?architectural rendering company? is a site with keyword stuffed text in their description tag and at the bottom of their home page. And Bing isn?t much better.

The #1 result there is for a different firm (located in Toronto, and I?m in the US), with keyword stuffed description tag and spammy anchor text links at the bottom of the home page. So clearly, the?improvements?to reduce spam aren?t working.

Side note: someone should tell the ?SEO?s? these sites hired that the description tag doesn?t impact ranking.

So my question to you, dear reader, is: have keywords stopped being a proxy to a customer?

In other words, if you create great content, can you get it ranked? Or will we allow authorship, canonicals, schema, and manipulation of keywords to become the new normal?

One more thought before you share your comments, and I hope you will. The following statement appears in?Google?s current quality guidelines, and has been there since the first time they were published:

?Make pages [primarily] for users, not for search engines.??Primarily was added in June of 2008, and?Matt Cutts?(head of Google?s webspam team) had this to say about it:??the spirit of that guideline is that users should be the primary consideration. But it is fine to do some things that don?t affect users but do help search engines.?


So, it?s ok to do these many things to help search engines understand your pages. But where do we (as users) draw the line? At what point are we designing pages more for search engines than for users?

Cited from


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Study: Cancer patients overestimate value of chemo

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Rediscovering That We Are Blessed Beyond Measure | Fatherhood ...

Elisa Etienne says through her work serving homeless and at-risk Veteran families through Operation Sacred Trust, she?s learned ?to remember that everyone has a story and no one person always makes the right choices; sometimes individuals need a helping hand to regain their footing and remind themselves that they are inherently good and blessed beyond measure.?


Husband of an OEF/OIF Veteran and their three children fight to rebuild their lives from the security of stable, affordable housing after getting help to escape the tragedy and despair of homelessness.

As a Family Support Specialist for Henderson Behavioral Health, Ms. Etienne is assigned to Operation Sacred Trust, OST, where she provides intensive support to South Florida Veteran families who are experiencing or facing homelessness to help them achieve housing stability. OST is part of a national initiative of the Department of Veterans Affairs, known as the ?Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program, established to end homelessness for America?s Veterans.

Locally, OST team members are assigned to the initiative by?collaborative community nonprofit agencies, including Carrfour Supportive Housing, PAIRS Foundation, and Henderson Behavioral Health. The program serves more than 1,000 Veterans and their family members in Broward and Miami-Dade counties.

Elisa Etienne
Family Support Specialist
Operation Sacred Trust

What inspires you to serve Veterans?

Veterans have a special place in the hearts of all Americans. My appreciation for their service and dedication inspires me each day to serve them.?

What is an experience that stands out?

Elisa Etienne

During my time with Operation Sacred Trust, I?ve had the opportunity to get to know many Veterans and their families. Every story holds a special place in my heart. With a background in mental health, I am partial to those stories that involve Veterans struggling to overcome PTSD. With so much to deal with in the world, I think it is particularly commendable when Veterans suffering from PTSD are able to adapt back into civilian society in such a promising manner.?

What?s your hope for the impact of your service?

I have particularly high hopes for OST as I think the mission to end homelessness among Veterans is amazing, to say the least. I hope that I am not only able to assist Vets with their housing concerns but? that I also leave a lasting impression that tells each Veteran and their family that Americans are appreciative for their service to our nation. I hope that Veterans walk away from OST knowing that our program?s dedication to serving them is inspired by their own service to our country, and for that we will always be indebted.?

What connection do you have to the Veteran or homeless community?

I have worked with homeless individuals for nearly four years; my past experiences with this community were particular to those suffering from mental health issues. I have come into contact with hundreds of individuals whose lives were completely upside down until they were able to secure stable housing; often times, when these individuals are stably housed there is a greater likelihood that they are able to maintain the activities of daily living, search for and gain employment, and transition back into their former selves. Providing stable housing to a homeless individual can vastly change their lives and allow them the opportunity to gain their lives back. I love that I have the opportunity to be part of that.?

What?s a lesson you?ve learned this year?

Sometimes, as a society, we forget that there is a certain ?inherent goodness? that lies within each and every one of us. I?ve learned to remember that everyone has a story and no one person always makes the right choices; sometimes individuals need a helping hand to regain their footing and remind themselves that they are inherently good and blessed beyond measure.?

Contact Information:
Name: Elisa Etienne
Job Title: Family Support Specialist
Company Name: Henderson Behavioral Health
Operation Sacred Trust
Work Phone: 855-778-3411 x823
Email Address: Click to Email
Address: 200 S. Park Road, Suite 455
Hollywood, Florida 33021

Tagged as: PTSD, operation sacred trust, homeless veterans, Supportive Services for Veteran Families, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Henderson Behavioral Health, Elisa Etienne

Categorised in: Housing, Military Families, News, Nonprofit


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How the Chinese See China-Bashing

In the final presidential debate Monday night, China was mentioned 35 times. Repeating a line he?s used throughout the campaign, Mitt Romney charged China with keeping the value of its currency artificially low. He said he would label the country a ?currency manipulator? on his first day in office. ?China is both an adversary,? Romney said, ?but also a potential partner in the international community if it?s following the rules.? Obama emphasized how he?s increased the number of trade cases the U.S. has filed against China at the World Trade Organization. (For a history of tit-for-tat trade cases filed between the U.S. and China, check out this cool graphic.)

So how do the Chinese see all this China-bashing? To find out, we translated a selection of news stories from Chinese state-owned media.

On Sept. 14, Xinhua, the government-owned news agency, lashed out at Romney?s currency manipulator remarks in a news analysis piece by Liu Chang:

?Merely aimed at scoring cheap political points in an election season, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney once again blamed China?s currency policy as the root cause for the excruciatingly high jobless rates
in the United States. ? Such blaming-China-on-everything remarks are as false as they are foolish, for it has never been a myth that pushing up the value of China?s currency would be of little use to boost the chronically slack job market of the world?s sole superpower, not to mention to magically turn the poor U.S. economic performance around.?

In late September, Obama used a campaign stop in Ohio to announce a trade case against China. The U.S. accuses China of providing $1 billion in illegal subsidies for exports of cars and car parts. An article in the Global Times, a Chinese state-owned newspaper, ridiculed the case as a political maneuver without merit: ?Almost no media believes that Obama will save American jobs by filing WTO complaints. More critics suggest that his primary goal is to keep his own presidential post.?

Right after the second presidential debate, CCTV, China?s state-owned television network, ran this article on its English-language website. Surprisingly, it takes a negative view of U.S. companies that have outsourced jobs to China: ?Romney needs to understand that Apple (AAPL) products being assembled in China is not something that China should take pride in or even appreciate. Foreign companies are able to outsource manufacturing jobs to China because of the country?s hard-working and low-paid workforce. This outsourcing maximizes the companies? profit margins, but leaves China with meager profits and massive pollution problems. ? It seems Obama takes a more objective view on the dilemma facing the U.S. manufacturing industry, as he admitted that some low-paid and low-tier jobs will never return to America.?

Wang Guan, a correspondent in CCTV?s new Washington bureau, says he feels it?s his job to remind his audience back home to take U.S. politicians? attacks on China with a grain of salt. ?We know that the U.S. presidential candidates often say one thing during the campaign and do another when they become presidents,? Guan told CCTV viewers in August.

Reporting on the debate this morning, CCTV took note of how much the candidates talked about Washington?s relationship with Beijing: ?In order to gain more votes, President Obama and candidate Romney are talking about China again.?


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Use your Job search skills for finding Dates - DivineCaroline

Online dating sites are a great source of finding potential partners, but they are not the only source. We have all been on the singles sites at one time or another and basically they all work in the same way, you see a picture you are attracted to, your read a little blurb they have written to make them look good and then you write them a message and hope for a response. When all is said and done, this method does work as it is said that currently 1 in 5 relationships start on an online dating site. But lets say you are bit more particular, you just don?t feel right about trusting a person that comes with no references yet you still want to join the current dating scene, well, take a page from the job hunter?s manual and go low-tech.

Since we are taking a page from our employment search its only right that we start with something related to our jobs for finding someone special. Believe it or not our co-workers are an incredible resource in our pursuit of the partner of our dreams. Who knows us better than those who are forced to spend at least 8 hours a day in close proximity to us? They know our sense of humor, our taste in food and pretty much enough about us to make our parents blush, they also happen to know the same about the person they are trying to fix you with. It?s almost like having a personal matchmaker who not only knows your likes, dislikes and habits, but your temperament and personality as well.

Another great source of dating possibilities comes from neighbors and if you live in a large apartment building, the doorman and concierge not only know which tenants work for or own companies that are hiring, but the relationship status of residents as well. It?s a given that the doorman sees all the comings and goings, and probably knows a bit about the relationship status of someone as well. Let?s face it, if you have a fight with a partner a doorman or concierge will notice. They are in tune with all the comings and goings and who storms out into a taxi or who has been coming home alone when they previously have been coming home with someone in tow. A little conversation and an occasional sizable tip and this information can be yours, for a bit more, an introduction can be had as well. The thing about this type of introduction is that most of the time you will have to inquire about a person whereas; the co-worker resource will gladly offer their suggestion on their own.

Relatives are as good a resource for finding dates as they are in finding unpublished job opportunities; they are family and only want the best for you and your future. The problem with allowing aunts and uncles, etc., to set you up on a date is that they introduce you to those whom they think are good for you, not necessarily what you are looking for. Its hard to say no to them as they are family, but you do need to be especially cautious and draw as much information out of them as is possible without upsetting them. Remember, you need to have had years of practice in understanding their idea of what attractive or funny might be. Cute with a bubbly personality and great sense of humor might generate visions of Meg Ryan or Diane Lane to you, but its entirely possible Roseanne Barr is what shows up.

These are just a few of the networking possibilities that are available to you when searching for employment or a new person in your life. There are of course many others such as your minister, college sorority or fraternity friends and organizations and other friends. Just be careful when you accept dates and dating advice from friends as it just seems that so many ?so-called? friends may have hidden agendas. If you use common sense and do a bit of your own research, you can undoubtedly use the same resources in your quest for a date as you do looking for that perfect job.


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Mars rover working on methane mystery

There?s growing buzz about data gleaned by NASA?s Curiosity rover on Mars, specifically over the issue of methane detection on the Red Planet.

On one hand, methane can be geological in origin. But then there?s the prospect that the gas is biotic, or caused by living organisms ? meaning it could be the gaseous residue of long-extinct microbes or even the output of Martian organisms alive and well today.

Curiosity is toting the Sample Analysis at Mars instrument suite, or SAM, an onboard lab that accounts for more than half of the science payload on the 1-ton rover. Though SAM's components would ordinarily fill a laboratory here on Earth, they have been miniaturized to roughly the size of a microwave oven in order to fit inside the robot.

SAM's duty is to analyze gases that are either "sniffed" directly from the Martian atmosphere (which it has done several times) or extracted from soil or powdered rock samples by heating or chemically treating the samples.

Provided by NASA?s Goddard Space Flight Center, SAM is on the search for compounds of the element carbon, including methane, that are associated with life. SAM will also explore ways in which those compounds are generated and destroyed in the Martian ecosphere. [Mars Methane: Could It Mean Life? (Video)]

According to Goddard's SAM website, determining the presence or absence of organic molecule would yield important science results. Either presence or absence would provide important information about the environmental conditions of Gale Crater, where Curiosity touched down on Aug. 5.

If SAM does find organic material, the next step would be to determine the origin and the nature of preservation of the molecules.

But if SAM does not find organic material, a better place to look might be below the surface.

Key question
"The key question about methane on Mars is not its presence, but its variability," said Chris McKay, space scientist and Mars specialist at NASA's Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif. As shown by many engaged in the methane-on-Mars issue, it is known that organics are falling onto the surface of Mars and that ultraviolet light produces methane from them, he told

"So there will certainly be methane at some level, possibly well below one part per billion," McKay said.

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"But what was surprising in the Mars Express results and the Earth-based observations was the variability," he added, referring to the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter. "Methane on Mars should have a lifetime of 300 years and should not be variable. If it is variable, this is very hard to explain with present theory. It requires unexpected sources and unexpected sinks."

In terms of Curiosity?s SAM instrument, McKay said that the key will be the tracking of whatever methane is seen over time.

"If it?s constant, then this can be reconciled with normal processes and a meteoritic source of organics. If it?s highly variable, then all bets are off." [5 Bold Claims of Alien Life]

Waiting to exhale
"Methane should be there," said astrobiologist Dirk Schulze-Makuch of Washington State University in Pullman. One of his research interests focuses on the interaction of microbes with their natural geological environment in an aqueous medium.

Schulze-Makuch says his view is based on three independent earlier studies, with methane usually associated with biological activity or ancient biology activity.

"Methane is really quite a rare gas in hydrothermal/volcanic exhalations; thus a methane detection with the rover would be exciting and could point to biology, especially if detected in relatively large amounts," Schulze-Makuch told

"Even more exciting," Schulze-Makuch said, "would be if the carbon in the methane has an isotopic fractionation that is consistent with biology. If the methane is produced by organisms ? for example, metabolism ? then we expect a shift to the lighter isotopes. In essence because life is lazy, same effect, with less work compared to inorganically produced carbon."

Whether any Mars methane detections would be sufficiently high to determine the isotope ratio, Schulze-Makuch said, is a wait-and-see moment. "But it would be very exciting. To try and determine the isotopic fractionation and a good inorganic baseline for carbon would be the next step in my view." [7 Biggest Mysteries of Mars]

Modeling research
Malynda Chizek, an astronomy graduate student at New Mexico State University, recently outlined her research results on mapping the simulated methane distribution during different seasons on Mars. She presented her findings during last week?s American Astronomical Society?s Division for Planetary Sciences meeting in Reno, Nev.

Chizek told that she too is eager to see the Curiosity results announced.

Chizek is working on computer simulations using the NASA/Ames Mars Atmospheric General Circulation Model to replicate trace gases in the Martian atmosphere. Her modeling research enables the tracing back of detected methane to its source location to see whether it is coming from something like a volcanic source, water surface chemistry interaction or bacteria living on or near the surface.

Counting cows
Chizek said that there have been several claims of methane detection in the past decade, from Mars-orbiting spacecraft as well as telescopic observations from Earth. But those claims tend to be controversial, she said, because observations suggest that it?s varying in abundance on a very quick time scale, which is unexpected.

Detecting methane on Mars could lead to evidence of life, as roughly 95 percent of the methane in Earth?s atmosphere is a product of biology, Chizek said. In her recent talk at the DPS meeting, she underscored the volume and significance of methane on Mars by using a very Earthly creature that produces the gas: cows.

So how many cows would be required to equal the amount of methane that scientists have observed on Mars? "Depending on which observations I am looking at, that number is close to 5 million cows, or roughly 200,000 tons of methane production per year," Chizek reported.

What next?
Whatever methane news the Curiosity rover uncovers, more work is ahead, Chizek said.

"In order to constrain the Martian methane origin, I would need to know about the variation in methane measurements by Curiosity over time. So, I would want the rover to take many more measurements, which I assume is the plan if they do detect methane," Chizek said.

Chizek said that if there is only about a plus/minus 10 percent variation over time, then it might suggest that the methane is leftover from some unknown event in the past.

"If the methane abundance variation has a definite seasonal variation, then it might suggest some sort of biological origin, although there are also some geological mechanisms which might respond to seasonal change," Chizek said. "If there is a random, sporadic change in methane abundance, then I think it would likely be a geological production or release mechanism."

Chizek added that the latter two also require an as-yet unknown mechanism for methane destruction or removal, while the 10 percent variation is what would be expected, shored up by current knowledge of long-lived, non-condensing gases in the Martian atmosphere.

"Mars is thought to be a geologically dead planet," Chizek said in a statement released by New Mexico State University. "If the methane detections are confirmed, and we do not find any signs of bacterial life, this means there are likely some interesting geological processes happening on Mars that we don?t yet know about."

Leonard David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. He is a winner of last year's National Space Club Press Award and a past editor-in-chief of the National Space Society's Ad Astra and Space World magazines. He has written for since 1999.

? 2012 All rights reserved. More from


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La ministre Raitt f?licite Energie atomique du Canada limit?e et l'IPFPC pour avoir ratifi? une convention ? Pinawa, au Manitoba

23 oct. 2012 16h38 HE

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - 23 oct. 2012) - Aujourd'hui, la ministre du Travail du Canada, l'honorable Lisa Raitt, a f?licit? ?nergie atomique du Canada limit?e (EACL) et l'Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada (IPFPC) pour avoir ratifi? une premi?re convention collective.

? Je suis tr?s heureuse qu'EACL et l'IPFPC soient parvenus ? une entente sans qu'il y ait arr?t de travail, a d?clar? la ministre Raitt. De solides relations patronales-syndicales sont essentielles pour faire face aux difficult?s ?conomiques actuelles et naissantes. ?

Cette unit? repr?sente environ 80 techniciens et technologues travaillant aux Laboratoires de Whiteshell ? Pinawa, au Manitoba. La convention collective est valide jusqu'au 30 juin 2014.

Les parties sont parvenues ? une entente avec l'aide du Service f?d?ral de m?diation et de conciliation du Programme du travail. Le Service offre une aide en mati?re de r?solution et de pr?vention des conflits aux syndicats et aux employeurs qui sont r?gis par le Code canadien du travail.

Ce communiqu? est offert, sur demande, en m?dias substituts.

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Getting a Bra Size Which Fits For the Larger Lady | Fashion Blog

black bra plu size models Getting a Bra Size Which Fits For the Larger LadyA bra is a basic undergarment for women used to support their breasts. Bras are usually form-fitting and have been in use for centuries. Bras have evolved as a fashion statement from being a necessity. Though bras are worn for comfort and support of breasts, the main reasons are to conform to cultural and social norms and to maintain ones modesty. Moreover bras are closely associated with the physical appearance and said to boost self confidence in women. Earlier bras were made of linen, cotton and similar natural fabrics. With the advancement in technology, more sturdy and light-weight plastic, fiber, elastic and metal are used to provide better support compared to the traditional fabric bras. Today several types of bras are available to suit the varying needs of women. Bras are available for specific purposes, ranging from sports bras to bikinis.

Selecting the right size of bras have always been an issue with women, as each manufacturer follows their own standard and measurement standards and sizing systems vary to a great extent. Manufacturing a well-fitting bra is a challenge since the garment is supposed to be form-fitting but the size and shape of women?s bodies and breasts can vary widely.
Moreover the sizing of bra involves the measurement of chest, shoulder and the breast/cup-size which adds to the complexity.

white bra plu size models Getting a Bra Size Which Fits For the Larger Lady

Bras are of several types categorized according to their design and purpose. Common types include backless, balconette, convertible, shelf, full cup, semi-cup, minimizing, padded, plunge, posture, push-up, racerback, sheer, strapless, t-shirt, underwire, unlined and soft cup. Backed by their long-standing experience and expertise in the clothing industry, Ashley Stewart comes to the rescue with their range of fashionable bras to suit the needs of plus-sized women. Ashley Stewart committed itself to provide fashionable and affordable clothing exclusively for plus-sized women and has been delivering the commitment for over twenty years. Ashley Stewart shares a common practice with many of the reputed firms around the world, putting customers first.

A wide range of bras are displayed at Ashley Stewart and with over a hundred stores spread across the nation it is more likely that you will find a store close to your location. Various styles, designs and texture are available such as minimizer, wire-free, butterfly, strapless and convertible in plus sizes ranging from 38 to 46.

With the best use of technology and a customer friendly interface and navigation, one can easily sift through products that are conveniently categorized and indexed, order items of their choice, track orders and make secure payments while enjoying the comfort of home. The order and delivery processes are automated to ensure fastest service, often orders are shipped the same day. provides attractive promotions and offers which makes quality products affordable. Flat shipping costs and free shipping are also available, subject to conditions.

Author Bio: The author of this article runs Ashley Stewart, a website providing plus size bras to women around the world.

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 Getting a Bra Size Which Fits For the Larger LadyGuest Author ? who has written 49 posts on Fashion Blog.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Claims Examiner - Workers Compensation - CA job from Insurance ...

Claims Examiner
Workers Compensation


Providing both satisfying and challenging work along with a highly professional and friendly work atmosphere, Sedgwick has a strong commitment to its colleagues and its clients. If you are seeking place where you can do great things for those whose lives you touch while maximizing your own career possibilities, Sedgwick is the place for you. As the largest and most innovative Third Party Administrator in the claims industry and the first and only TPA to receive both recognition as the Best TPA in America and the coveted Employer of Choice designation, we invite you to come be a part of our team and, ?Claim Your Future.?

PRIMARY PURPOSE : To analyze complex or technically difficult claims to determine benefits due; to work with high exposure claims involving litigation and rehabilitation; to ensure ongoing adjudication of claims within service expectations, industry best practices and specific client service requirements; and to identify subrogation of claims and negotiate settlements.


  • Analyzes and manages complex or technically difficult claims by investigating and gathering information to determine the exposure on the claim; manages claims through well-developed action plans to an appropriate and timely resolution.
  • Assesses liability and resolves claims within evaluation.
  • Negotiates settlement of claims within designated authority.
  • Calculates and assigns timely and appropriate reserves to claims; manages reserve adequacy throughout the life of the claim.
  • Calculates and pays benefits due; approves and makes timely claim payments and adjustments; and settles clams within designated authority level.
  • Prepares necessary state fillings within statutory limits.
  • Manages the litigation process; ensures timely and cost effective claims resolution.
  • Coordinates vendor referrals for additional investigation and/or litigation management.
  • Uses appropriate cost containment techniques including strategic vendor partnerships to reduce overall cost of claims for our clients.
  • Manages claim recoveries, including be not limited to subrogation, Second Injury Fund excess recoveries and Social Security and Medicare offsets.
  • Reports claims to the excess carrier; responds to requests of directions in a professional and timely manner.
  • Communicates claim activity and processing with the claimant and the client; maintains professional client relationships.
  • Ensures claim files are properly documented and claims coding is correct.
  • Refers cases as appropriate to supervisor and management.

  • Performs other duties as assigned.
  • Supports the organization's quality program(s).
  • Travels as required.

    Education & Licensing
    Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university preferred. Professional certification as applicable to line of business preferred. Licenses as required.

    Four (4) years of claims management experience or successful completion of Claims Examiner II training required. BS/BA degree may substitute for two (2) years of required experience.

    Skills & Knowledge

    • In-depth knowledge of appropriate insurance principles and laws for line of business handled, recoveries offsets and deductions, claim and disability duration, cost containment principles including medical management practices and Social Security and Medicare application procedure as applicable to line of business
    • Excellent oral and written communication, including presentation skills
    • PC literate, including Microsoft Office products
    • Analytical and interpretive skills
    • Strong organizational skills
    • Good interpersonal skills
    • Excellent negotiation skills
    • Ability to work in a team environment
    • Ability to meet or exceed Service Expectations

    When applicable and appropriate, consideration will be given to reasonable accommodations.

    Mental: Clear and conceptual thinking ability; excellent judgment, troubleshooting, problem solving, analysis, and discretion; ability to handle work-related stress; ability to handle multiple priorities simultaneously; and ability to meet deadlines

    Physical: Computer keyboarding, travel as required

    Auditory/Visual: Hearing, vision and talking

    NOTE : Credit security clearance, confirmed via a background credit check, is required for this position.

    The statements contained in this document are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by a colleague assigned to this description. They are not intended to constitute a comprehensive list of functions, duties, or local variances. Management retains the discretion to add or to change the duties of the position at any time.

    Sedgwick is an Equal Opportunity Employer

    and a

    Drug-Free Workplace

    Additional Information: Must have California Self-Insurers Certificate (SIP) or AB1262 California Experienced Examiner Designation or currently meet the requirements for designation under AB1262. WCCA, WCCP preferred.
    Requisition #: 10586


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    Ham Radio Classes Being Offered

    Dale Hummel (KL2BO), Contributing Writer

    When a storm, forest fire, flood, or earthquake happens do you ever wish you could do something to help? When you see events on the TV, or read about natural disasters in the paper do you wish you could do something? Would you like to give something back to your community?

    Amateur, (Ham) radio is a great way to do your part in either a disaster or community service.

    Today?s ham radio is not the hobby of your uncle or grandfather who may have sat in his little room or in that corner of that basement with his headphones on and sent Morse code. Today?s radio includes Internet radio linking project, (IRLP), echo link, digital communications, voice, moon bounce, satellite reflection, and even Space Station communication.

    Worldwide communication is a very common thing. The ham radio of today is very exciting and new advances in the hobby means the sky is limit. Go to see more on ham radio.

    The common misconception is that citizen?s band, (CB) and ham radio is the same thing. The only common link between the two groups is that both groups talk on a radio, but that?s about where the similarities end. Anyone can buy and use a CB radio and, unfortunately, some of the people who use these high frequency devices do not have the training to use them properly.

    Many of those who use CBs speak poorly, cuss and operate their equipment illegally. Ham radio goes beyond just training and mature conversation. With ham radio, training is required to obtain a license that is mandatory by the Federal Communications Commission, (FCC). This kind of training and licensing puts hams on a higher level of operation and mature communication.

    LBCC is hosting classes for FCC ham radio licensing. Starting on October 23 the K7LBC Ham Radio Club will be co-sponsoring ham radio licensing classes with the Linn County Amateur Radio Emergency Services group. The classes will be held in room RCH 116 at 7 to 9 pm for 8 weeks. The cost will be $15 for the test at the end of the class and $30 for the text book. The classes are open to any age. The books are also available from the Amateur Radio Relay League at

    The classes are subject to cancellation as a result of lack of participation. The classes are taught by experienced licensed operators in the area and are completely unpaid volunteers. $15 is for the processing of the testing and licensing, and $30 is the price of the text. To attend the class please contact Roger Emery at 541-924-9262

    For more on ham radio, go to , and to see what you can accomplish and how much fun you can have as an amateur radio operator.

    Commuter Staff (625 Posts)

    The Commuter is a weekly student-run newspaper for LBCC, financed by student fees and advertising. Opinions expressed in the Commuter do not necessarily reflect those of the LBCC administration, faculty, and associated students of LBCC. Editorials, columns, letters, and cartoons reflect the opinions of the authors. Learn more about the Commuter?s staff of contributing writers here.


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